EMAS Menopause and Work Charter

The Menopause and Work Charter is an initiative of the European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) to promote recognition and consideration of menopausal health in the workplace. Menopause is a diversity and equality issue in the corporate culture. The charter provides recommendations about creating menopause-friendly workplaces.


Why should organizations have a menopause and work charter?

In 2023 the global female population is over 4 billion. Menopause is a normal stage of life. Women form a large part of workforces worldwide, and many will be working throughout their menopausal years. Women with severe menopause symptoms may exit employment or reduce their working hours, negatively affecting income and security in later life. For employers, this means the loss of experienced staff with valuable skills and talent.

Menopause-friendly organizations provide a supportive and responsive work environment. By doing so, they strengthen corporate reputation, recruitment, and retention of talent.

EMAS Menopause and Work charter recommendations

Menopause-friendly workplaces should:

  • Recognize that menopausal symptoms can adversely affect the ability to work and that working conditions can impact menopausal symptoms
  • Create an open, inclusive, and supportive culture involving access to occupational health professionals, if available
  • Have frameworks and policies that consider the impact of the menopause for all occupations, work locations, and work patterns to promote staff retention
  • Address and prevent discrimination and marginalization of employees because of menopausal symptoms
  • Assess menopause policies and frameworks

Copyright © The European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) 2023

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First published 2021, revised 2023.