World Menopause and Work Day

September 7 is the World Menopause and Work Day.

EMAS launched the day in 2021 following the publication of its Global consensus recommendations on menopause in the workplace: A European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) position statement.

In 2023 the global female population is over 4 billion. Women form a large part of workforces worldwide, and many will be working throughout their menopausal years. Menopause is therefore an international equality and diversity issue.

The purpose of the day is to promote strategies for employers, managers, healthcare professionals, and women to make changing workplace environments more menopause supportive.

EMAS Press release – 18.08.2021

Menopause in the workplace must become a global policy

The European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS), invites companies to break the taboo around menopause in the workplace.

September 7, 2021, will be the launch of the first World Menopause & Work Day.

Spread the word! 

What will you do on September 7? Use your social media to speak up and take action together:

