EMAS Clinical Guide | Sexual health and wellbeing and the menopause

Menopause and Sexual Health: It’s Time to Put It on the Healthcare Agenda

For too long, sexual health during and after menopause has been overlooked. But now, it’s time for change. Women at menopause and beyond should not be seen as sexually inactive or dismissed when it comes to sexual health. A new clinical guide by the European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) shines a spotlight on this critical yet often ignored issue.
The guide calls for a shift in clinical practice—sexual health assessments must become routine. Many women experience sexual dysfunction during menopause, but their concerns often go unheard. It’s time to bridge the gap in awareness and management, especially for older women. What’s more, healthcare professionals must consider not only the woman’s sexual health but also that of her partner. Inclusivity matters and the guide stresses that diverse sexual orientations and non-heteronormative relationships must be part of the conversation.
Managing sexual health in menopause requires a comprehensive, individualized approach that addresses physical, emotional, and social factors.

Key Highlights:

  • Menopause and sexual health are NOT taboo. It’s time to talk openly
  • Women today live longer, meaning many remain sexually active for decades post-menopause
  • Sexual health care needs to extend to women in all living environments, including those in long-term care
  • Listening to and addressing the unique concerns of menopausal women, while respecting diverse identities and experiences, is essential
  • Personalized care could include counselling, therapy, and both hormonal and non-hormonal treatments
  • Raising awareness and integrating sexual health into healthcare and education systems worldwide is critical


EMAS’s comprehensive clinical guide, “Sexual Health and Wellbeing and the Menopause,” recently published in Maturitas, provides the insights and tools needed to make sexual health a core component of menopause care.